Sunday, 7 October 2012

Interesting Artist Mark Mawson

Found an artist that could help develop on one of my ideas.
this is where i found out about him

Just throught that you might like his work the link is above.

this are my favour of his work

Reflection on the transforming the everyday

This is one of my ideas development to see if my idea would work.

Idea six: Is transforming movement into colour
 How can I develop it by using an artist that would improve my idea to get the best work that I can.
this idea could be developed into a video or several images. The images above are test of what I want to progresses on into a final ideas, but these are only tester so they have limited quality. 
this idea is one out of six but also one of the two I want to progresses and develop into a better or putting both of them together to create a improve final piece.