I Cried, My Mum Screamed and He Ran

A video installation piece that demonstration a sinister effect to the view as you see a teen girl that is playing and falling and also walking on the wall, when the video is playing inside the house you feel like you're a peeping tom. But this is how children have been put in this protective area and you will never know if it is safe enough for your children. By watching someone else’s childhood the viewer has a negative feeling from this video and installation piece. The name of the project is based on one of my childhood memories of my brother teaching me how to ride a bike and me falling off as he lets go of the bike then me falling and “I cried, my mum screams and he ran” because he knows he is in trouble.
My blog research artist’s I have used within my choice of design. The artists inspired me with the installation more than the video but when making the video I was inspired by 80’s horror film and this helped with how I was going to edit my film. The films I was inspired by where Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13th, Halloween and from this I pick up on the keys thing that I want to use in my video. From this I like the ideas of using iconic colours from 80’s horror example red, black and green as well the standard of a key character presented in horror films of the time period. Other artist inspired me in different parts of the project for example; the artist Richard Wood was important for how I chose to paint the outer walls. Gregor Schneider and Jessye McDowell were other artists I looked at but not in much detail.
The development of many of my ideas at the begining of the project help show the key factors that I wanted my ideas to have within them. These included the element of 80’s horror and how the themes of the 80’s horror genre can relate to real life as they include isolation and victimisation. As well the process of analysing horror movie by character, editing and key factors that most or all horror films use. These are the typical teen girl that has been stereotyped to be either a dumb blond or a sexualize woman that is the main character. Also a lot more scenes are given to that person and more on focus her body shape. The main key factors in horror films are colours, stereotypes, sexuality, society, and some comparison to reality. These define the outcome of my video and parts of the installation.
I am happy with the outcome of this project as seeing the piece grow from just cardboard and wood to a building was successful as this is my idea coming into reality. I also feel my research into my video was successful, as I can understand what I needed to edit into my video and why my video was edited and placed in the installation. The understanding of the media and the research I had done was particularly successful as it is what formatted my final piece and without my research it would be more difficult to have a clear perspective.
Spend more time on the math of the installation and time to see the video and installation together before showing it. I wish I had more time to choose how I wanted it to be displayed and what parts I wanted or needed for the installation for example; how many windows, what kind of windows, should I paint the roof and legs, what colours should I use and where would it be placed?. Although I looked at that I also had problems such as where to place the projector and laptop, how would I get inside to turn everything on and there was also a heating problem where it would get too hot in the building so when installing the window I put an opening and closing mechanism as well as leaving the bottom open to get in and out.