Thursday, 14 February 2013

Exhibition- Raven Row

This is some of the art that I liked and I am interested in. This shows work kind of work i am interested in from this gallery and others that i have visit and blog about.

The mean pieces of the exhibition that i like was Běla Kolářová work with razer blades that interested me the most. As the work give a meaning of the object daring that time period as this project was new to the market that this could be seen as outrages to the audience. As this work uses patterns and puzzle with the work piece of these four "One of the ways" piece.

There are more interesting piece that you might like and this gallery is free and is good if you need inspiration.
This is were that gallery is if you would like to go and visit.

Development on objects and antimatter

Objects and Antimatter

Following a theme of identity I want to make a piece of art which gives physical form to emotions both those we show others, and those that we keep inside.  To express this I want to use a video that will capture the component parts of the human face (nose, eyes etc.) separately and allow for "mix and match" swapping of these parts.

Nandan Ghiya

This piece of work relates to one of my ideas and this will help to develop it as the technique of the work is very interesting. As this work relates and gives my more of an idea to progress on for the project.

Hans Peter Feldam Girls with a shadow

This is a great idea of missing/ nothingness and this could be used in my work, i might do a development piece that shows this type of art being used within my work.

David Stark

This piece interested my by the material that was used as it is cheap, easy to get for making thing.I might use this material with the development of this project within some of my ideas or even to develop on materials of other ideas that i might have in the future.

These are three artist that i have found interesting and will look at their work for development ideas for my our work or try out the techniques that they have used.

Didn't find any inspiration from the original artists given in the brief, but by taking objects into identity and then exploring my options i have found other contemporary artists that give me more ideas.