This shot is a icontic shot within the video and has been repeated through the video. this is also related to horror film editing and film there movie.
I tried different music and sounds to create a disturbing effect, like someones fears hunting them, i think i got closest with a bee noise but it needed distortion. i am seeing that you can build up tension using sound in an art installation but it is harder to get through to people that it is in an enclosed environment, like a cinema. i wanted to use the sound from the environment around us to create a more realistic sound that can then be edited to make it more disturbing. i might record the the location that the piece will be installed in and edit the sound from that area.
I will show you some of my works in process:
1) Life beyond Childhood- eye's of fire
2) Life beyond Childhood- bee noise
3) Life beyond Childhood- My song that i made on garage band played backwards
4) Life time- game over
This is a second piece that is repeating life and re-doing whats already happened.
These are my idea of the installation for this piece, as i want to build a tree house like installation but child size.