Monday, 29 October 2012

exploring to get development

I when to the beach on Saturday a took some picture these picture could help me to develop projects in the future so these are some of the images I got.

Larger the images are the more interested I am with them.

Artist that would help develop

This is a list of artist and some of their works that might help me to develop my skills or work.
Susan Hiller

Psi Girls 1999 features imagery from films about girls with telekinetic powers, synchronised on five large screens at the moment of high tension in each film, when the girls use their extraordinary psychic powers to move objects. The excerpts, from Brian De Palma’s The Fury (1978), Andrei Tarkovsky’s Stalker(1979), Mark L. Lester’s Firestarter (1984), Danny DeVito’s Matilda (1996) and Andrew Fleming’s The Craft (1996), are saturated in washes of vivid colour. The soundtrack featuring the drumming and rhythmic clapping of a gospel choir, reaches a crescendo at this point, a familiar cinematic device to increase tension, only to end abruptly with a burst of white noise and a period of silence. The use of different coloured filters in each of the projections, immerses the viewer in coloured lights and adds to the range of physical sensations experienced.
Psi Girls 1999
5 channel video projection with sound, synchronised
Duration 15 minutes
Tate. Presented by Digby Squires 2004, accessioned 2007

My opinion is that the editing is great and the tensions from the films and the sound edited in give off a good link back to the girl presented in the video.
This is a 50 second clip of a 15 minutes video.

Bruces Nauman
I liked some of his work such as these (see links below.)
Bouncing in the Corner, no 1
Lip Sync
The work grabbed me by how it was presented and the sound as well as the body sculpture and langues.

Martha Rosler
From A to Z, Rosler "shows and tells" the ingredients of the housewife's day, giving us a tour that names and mimics the ordinary with movements more samurai than suburban. Rosler's slashing gesture as she forms the letters of the alphabet in the air with a knife and fork, is a rebel gesture, punching through the "system of harnessed subjectivity" from the inside out. 
 the transformation of the woman herself into a sign in a system of signs that represent a system of food production,

Semiotics of the Kitchen

6 minutes and 13 second video of this housewife showing the kitching and telling us the objects name but in the alphabet. 

Stan Douglas
this website you can see some of his works but i couldn't find any of his video. but if i find any i will upload them to the blog.
He also has a wiki page this is the link to it:
this is a video i just find of his
This video has a voice over that gives off a very nice effect that narrating the film.