Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Thursday, 6 June 2013
A lot of my inspiration came from the Matt's gallery, where i saw Susan Hiller and Mike Nelson. I took inspiration from Susan Hiller's use of colour and Mike Nelson's use of metaphor . From my foundation course I have learnt a lot of techniques that have been put into use when making my final piece. In part I was influenced by my antimatter project where i had made a video of my installation and this time I wanted to create an environment for my video to be played.
I had planned about twenty ideas and borrowed from all of them to create my final design. For example, one idea involved rotating heads this became the spinning of the character in the film, or my idea to have a Barbie in a perfect house this became the amateurish tree house.
The creation went well but it took more time then i thought it would. Getting the video done took a week but the construction of the installation took four weeks, i had to sketch the design out, paint and cut out the walls to attach to the frame.
When i showed my piece to my class mates i found some of their views of it were rooted in reality, they looked for a door where there shouldn't be a door. I felt that i was successful as the majority understood the metaphor.
Thursday, 23 May 2013
I Cried, My Mum Screamed and He Ran
I Cried, My Mum Screamed and He Ran

A video installation piece that demonstration a sinister effect to the view as you see a teen girl that is playing and falling and also walking on the wall, when the video is playing inside the house you feel like you're a peeping tom. But this is how children have been put in this protective area and you will never know if it is safe enough for your children. By watching someone else’s childhood the viewer has a negative feeling from this video and installation piece. The name of the project is based on one of my childhood memories of my brother teaching me how to ride a bike and me falling off as he lets go of the bike then me falling and “I cried, my mum screams and he ran” because he knows he is in trouble.
My blog research artist’s I have used within my choice of design. The artists inspired me with the installation more than the video but when making the video I was inspired by 80’s horror film and this helped with how I was going to edit my film. The films I was inspired by where Evil Dead, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday 13th, Halloween and from this I pick up on the keys thing that I want to use in my video. From this I like the ideas of using iconic colours from 80’s horror example red, black and green as well the standard of a key character presented in horror films of the time period. Other artist inspired me in different parts of the project for example; the artist Richard Wood was important for how I chose to paint the outer walls. Gregor Schneider and Jessye McDowell were other artists I looked at but not in much detail.
The development of many of my ideas at the begining of the project help show the key factors that I wanted my ideas to have within them. These included the element of 80’s horror and how the themes of the 80’s horror genre can relate to real life as they include isolation and victimisation. As well the process of analysing horror movie by character, editing and key factors that most or all horror films use. These are the typical teen girl that has been stereotyped to be either a dumb blond or a sexualize woman that is the main character. Also a lot more scenes are given to that person and more on focus her body shape. The main key factors in horror films are colours, stereotypes, sexuality, society, and some comparison to reality. These define the outcome of my video and parts of the installation.
I am happy with the outcome of this project as seeing the piece grow from just cardboard and wood to a building was successful as this is my idea coming into reality. I also feel my research into my video was successful, as I can understand what I needed to edit into my video and why my video was edited and placed in the installation. The understanding of the media and the research I had done was particularly successful as it is what formatted my final piece and without my research it would be more difficult to have a clear perspective.
Spend more time on the math of the installation and time to see the video and installation together before showing it. I wish I had more time to choose how I wanted it to be displayed and what parts I wanted or needed for the installation for example; how many windows, what kind of windows, should I paint the roof and legs, what colours should I use and where would it be placed?. Although I looked at that I also had problems such as where to place the projector and laptop, how would I get inside to turn everything on and there was also a heating problem where it would get too hot in the building so when installing the window I put an opening and closing mechanism as well as leaving the bottom open to get in and out.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Gregor Schneider
Gregor Schneider
A link to one of his videos are below:
Gregor Schneider Installing
A link to his website is below:
Gregor Schneider Website
His work is very inspiring when building my project as he work with building rooms with rooms and that kind of what i have done, but i will relate his work and the other artist that i have looked at back to my work in my evaluation.
I like the beach piece of his work because it relates more to my work a this is like every other beach but your cage in like an animal as this will relate to how i want my piece to be viewed.
some other work i have just found so the horror side that i was researching into with my project below:
A link to one of his videos are below:
Gregor Schneider Installing
A link to his website is below:
Gregor Schneider Website
Some image from this artist below
I like the beach piece of his work because it relates more to my work a this is like every other beach but your cage in like an animal as this will relate to how i want my piece to be viewed.
some other work i have just found so the horror side that i was researching into with my project below:
The uses of limited colour and darkness create a negative feeling.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Making The Tree House
Making The Tree House
I made the treehouse from wood, cardboard and paper. the frame on the house is made out of wood and the connecting walls are made out of cardboard. I painted the cardboard a pastil green with a wooden effect done in ink.
I had some help with the frame but I struggled with cutting the cardboard. Measuring was complicated because I couldn't find a long metal ruler and had to use a fabric tape measure, the cardboard was too thick to cut with scissors so I had to use a craft knife to cut through layer by layer. If I did this again I would use a hacksaw. After that, nailing the panels in place was easy.
I put a board in the bottom of the house for the projector to stand on, this made the box much darker inside and got me thinking. when it is darker inside the box the projection is much clearer, I had plan to put in one large window but this effected the darkness of the room. To fix this I will put peepholes to restrict the light going in.
I made the treehouse from wood, cardboard and paper. the frame on the house is made out of wood and the connecting walls are made out of cardboard. I painted the cardboard a pastil green with a wooden effect done in ink.
I had some help with the frame but I struggled with cutting the cardboard. Measuring was complicated because I couldn't find a long metal ruler and had to use a fabric tape measure, the cardboard was too thick to cut with scissors so I had to use a craft knife to cut through layer by layer. If I did this again I would use a hacksaw. After that, nailing the panels in place was easy.
I put a board in the bottom of the house for the projector to stand on, this made the box much darker inside and got me thinking. when it is darker inside the box the projection is much clearer, I had plan to put in one large window but this effected the darkness of the room. To fix this I will put peepholes to restrict the light going in.
- I cried, My mum screamed and he ran
- The noise in the attic
- Menace
- Come little Child
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Richard Wood and Jessye McDowell- In Reflection To My Work
Installation artist
I have been looking at the artist Richard Wood as I have found many similarities between his work and mine. I am using bright and pastil like colours on the walls of the structure as well having this cartoon-like building in a everyday environment.
Richard wood uses cartoonish wood patterns in public areas, he is a English artist and his work seems enhanced by the humour of the english. His work is installed in grim surroundings by painting brightly coloured wood or by painting directly onto the walls. In this way he decorates interiors and buildings to create a more amusing atmosphere.
Richard Wood- Picture 2
My work in relation to Richard Woods
My work uses similar patterns to give a child-like atmosphere but also a sense of unease. The colour palette of my video matches as well using the pastil green and white within the video to create this childhood innocence but also mirror the horror films of the 80's.
Pictures of my video
Pictures of Installation
Video artist
Jessye McDowell work is interesting and i can see some relation of editing style but not narrative.
Jessye McDowell- Video 1
Jessye McDowell- Video 2
I have been looking at the artist Richard Wood as I have found many similarities between his work and mine. I am using bright and pastil like colours on the walls of the structure as well having this cartoon-like building in a everyday environment.
Richard Wood- Picture 1
Richard wood uses cartoonish wood patterns in public areas, he is a English artist and his work seems enhanced by the humour of the english. His work is installed in grim surroundings by painting brightly coloured wood or by painting directly onto the walls. In this way he decorates interiors and buildings to create a more amusing atmosphere.
Richard Wood- Picture 2
My work in relation to Richard Woods
My work uses similar patterns to give a child-like atmosphere but also a sense of unease. The colour palette of my video matches as well using the pastil green and white within the video to create this childhood innocence but also mirror the horror films of the 80's.

Pictures of Installation
Video artist
Jessye McDowell work is interesting and i can see some relation of editing style but not narrative.
Jessye McDowell- Video 1
Thursdays update

Thursdays update
I have started to build the final piece and chosen the video that will be going with it, this is the development i have gotten with the build so far.
So far today i have built the frame and put two of the walls but but have problem with how will the video be viewed from inside the treehouse.
Bank holiday
Book work and Planing
cutting the wood and building
How it has been cut is shown to you by the picture above on the left and how it is put together is on the right.
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Update on final major project
One of the problems that i am having with this project is the sound for the video and i think one of these video could have the right sound but i might have to edited the video a bit. If you have any input for this video about the sound it would help thank you.
Robot Rock
These are the two video i worked on with the music tonight.
Robot Rock
Dub step Violin
The Dub step violin soundtrack i think is but for the video but i am not sure.
I will still work on the sound and research more into this bank holiday weekend but i think this is the sound for the video.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
Frustrations and Updates
As i am getting to the end of my project i feel like i am not creating as much as i would like. firstly the sound that i would use for the video needs to be developed more and i need to research more songs that would suit the footage. Also i want to be making my house for the final piece but there is so little space to work for the rest of the week but not enough room to work in class.
Once this has been dealt with my project will be finished
Getting on with my work- (Updates)
As my other final piece is now finished and i might work on another video but on a different subject or side as i did with this one.
This is the second video. ( I might change the music but it is finished)
This is a second piece that is repeating life and re-doing whats already happened.
These are the actresses/actor used in the video:
Stacey 35- used in the second video and is the main actress in that video.
Paige 18- used in the background on the main video as a creepy person watching alone the side line. As well i directed and edited the video.
Mark 31- used in the second video as a background person picking up the main character in the second video.
Kira 14- used in the main video as the main character.
Main Project- Video Installation
Latest on main video (3)
Latest on the Installation of the main piece
As i am getting to the end of my project i feel like i am not creating as much as i would like. firstly the sound that i would use for the video needs to be developed more and i need to research more songs that would suit the footage. Also i want to be making my house for the final piece but there is so little space to work for the rest of the week but not enough room to work in class.
Once this has been dealt with my project will be finished
Getting on with my work- (Updates)
As my other final piece is now finished and i might work on another video but on a different subject or side as i did with this one.
This is the second video. ( I might change the music but it is finished)
This is a second piece that is repeating life and re-doing whats already happened.
These are the actresses/actor used in the video:
Stacey 35- used in the second video and is the main actress in that video.
Paige 18- used in the background on the main video as a creepy person watching alone the side line. As well i directed and edited the video.
Mark 31- used in the second video as a background person picking up the main character in the second video.
Kira 14- used in the main video as the main character.
This is a second piece that is repeating life and re-doing whats already happened.
Tittle it might be (Grow-up) or (beyond childhood) or (The Time We Have)
This is how children can be very sensitive and very different growing up. This is how they fight for happiness and their time of the planet. also the understand of the world that they will grow up in. As i took the 80's horror theme of colour and a dream like footage to be used in this childhood style video that shows that being a child is hard too. In the understanding to be yourself.Latest on main video (3)
Latest on the Installation of the main piece
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Reflection of my final major project
I've separately recorded my video of both my niece and my sister, it went well and i learnt the benefit of recording constantly. I ended up with a lot of footage that was useful even though ended recording early. the main issues was finding the right sound for editing. i had two poems that didn't work with the footage, so i try them backwards to give a sinister vibe. the song played backwards sounded more cheerful D:.
I tried different music and sounds to create a disturbing effect, like someones fears hunting them, i think i got closest with a bee noise but it needed distortion. i am seeing that you can build up tension using sound in an art installation but it is harder to get through to people that it is in an enclosed environment, like a cinema. i wanted to use the sound from the environment around us to create a more realistic sound that can then be edited to make it more disturbing. i might record the the location that the piece will be installed in and edit the sound from that area.
I will show you some of my works in process:
1) Life beyond Childhood- eye's of fire
This shot is a icontic shot within the video and has been repeated through the video. this is also related to horror film editing and film there movie.
I tried different music and sounds to create a disturbing effect, like someones fears hunting them, i think i got closest with a bee noise but it needed distortion. i am seeing that you can build up tension using sound in an art installation but it is harder to get through to people that it is in an enclosed environment, like a cinema. i wanted to use the sound from the environment around us to create a more realistic sound that can then be edited to make it more disturbing. i might record the the location that the piece will be installed in and edit the sound from that area.
I will show you some of my works in process:
1) Life beyond Childhood- eye's of fire
2) Life beyond Childhood- bee noise
3) Life beyond Childhood- My song that i made on garage band played backwards
4) Life time- game over
This is a second piece that is repeating life and re-doing whats already happened.
These are my idea of the installation for this piece, as i want to build a tree house like installation but child size.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Development From Recent Ideas
What I am doing with my ideas:
That actress for my video will be Kira Davey my Niece as the main character. this is the development of a recent video that contains more of contemporary feeling than a narrative. This idea would have less characters but a stronger narrative.Kira Davey:

This character will relates to the following:
- Ring around the rosy- About the black death
- Come little children- About kidnapping and killing children
I usually pick a family member as i feel it is more comfortable for me personally and the actress or actor as well. The atmosphere is easier to work in and i find that you get natural results. You and the actor or actress have a common ground and you have more respect for the person you are working with than someone you don't know. this is important to me as you and your actor get a great deal more confidence in the video or film.
This is the storyboard for the video i will be filming on Friday 19th april.
This is a video how death is every where and it can happen at any point in time in 1000's of different ways. At any point in life death will come for even if your young or old, everyone will die at some point.
Toshiba full HD 1920x1080
Digital camera that give a lighter footage and better film than some other cameras
Canon PowerShot Sx150 IS 12x optical zoom
Digital camera that films with a darker view or the footage and clean cut filming
Stand for use of both cameras
Also i looked at sound and editing sound these are some of my edits:
Ring around the rosy
Come little children
Remixed of the song.
This will help develop the footage as i research more into song and poems for my video.
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Final project Research / Ideas
Final project
I started to research and began to think about ideas for my final project that can be relate back to the topic. this is difficult as i see flaws in each idea, and what ever my final idea is it has to be perfect example of my work.Each idea i thought of was to simple, plain or ordinary. I am looking for something shocking and attention grabbing.
These are my ideas so far:
The development idea is at the top of these image, this would be the development idea of 6 and 7.
Where its about barbie life after ken, there will be bits of the narrative behind it and this is of the many developments i will do. Over the easter holidays i will be developing or adding more ideas into to my sketch book and adding research as well going to galleries such as the matt's gallery.
I started to research and began to think about ideas for my final project that can be relate back to the topic. this is difficult as i see flaws in each idea, and what ever my final idea is it has to be perfect example of my work.Each idea i thought of was to simple, plain or ordinary. I am looking for something shocking and attention grabbing.
These are my ideas so far:
The development idea is at the top of these image, this would be the development idea of 6 and 7.
Where its about barbie life after ken, there will be bits of the narrative behind it and this is of the many developments i will do. Over the easter holidays i will be developing or adding more ideas into to my sketch book and adding research as well going to galleries such as the matt's gallery.
Friday, 29 March 2013
My Written Brief - Final Major Project
Written By Paige Phillips
Final Major Project Title: How Isolation and Victimization
can impact negatively on an individual and this in turn affects the group
Progress and Achievement
As I have learnt to use IMovie, final cut pro as well as to make
installations (Use the tools to make the piece) and I learnt to print on
fabric, so I will try different materials.
Pathway Choice
have chosen fine art as my pathway a it is set to your mind and what you feel
than a product for someone else needs. As well as art is shown as a creative
subject that I enjoy, as through my work you see what I feel, think and want in
My aim for this project will be to capture people’s social
independence or identity (a phrase I am using to refer to those who have become
outcast from society). There was a lot of work I have done on social
interaction. I wanted my final piece to include this on a larger scale. The
feature that I might include in my project could be reaction, communication,
mental health and I will be developing these subjects more.
My work will be based around Installation and video or
film but will be look at other mediums. For this to work I will be visiting
some gallery’s such as Matt’s gallery and Chisenhale gallery. The artists I
will be researching are Mike Nelson, Barbara Kruger, Susan Hiller and others as
I work on the project. For this project I will be looking into Installation,
sound and videos this are the main mediums I will look at but I might have
ideas involving some other mediums.
Also I will be looking at movies, video, book and games
for Inspiration and development of an idea. Some of thing I will be researching
on are Creepy Pastor, Steven King, Scream, Mazes, Weird or Scary atmosphere and
Classic horror films such as Nightmare on elms street, Friday 13th,
Night of the living dead, Halloween, Dusk till Dawn, this one is also
postmodern and I will research into these films and the subject matter.
Horror is the sin of isolated, victims and other that I will
touch on later in the project. From this I want a dread to go over the view as
they see the relation to my work from the horror genre. As I will be looking at
peoples social independence affects all parts of their life’s and others that
are closer to them. So from this I am going to pull apart this project to give
it more of a darker meaning to social independence as I break down the subject.
I will be recording my progression, feedback and my reflective
writing within my blog and my sketchbook. I hope you use the horror genre with
social independence to create a new sense of independence created by fear,
isolation or a deeper meaning.
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
(Accessed, March 2013)
Thomas Heatherwick Making- Thames and
Art Today- Brandon Taylor
The 20th century art book-
Video art- Sylvia Martin- Taschen
Cell- Stephen King
IT- Stephen King
The Shining- Stephen King
Nightmare on elms street 1-6 -Year Released
Friday the 13th 1-8 parts- Year
Released 1980’s
Night of the living dead 1-3- Year Released
Halloween 1,24- Year Released 1963’s
From Dusk till dawn- Year Released 1996
Sorority Row- Year Released 2009
The Shining- Stephen King- Year Released
Matt’s gallery
Chisenhale gallery
Saatchi gallery
(This will be update every week or two.)
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Major project ideas
I want to do for my own project
I looked through the work I have done
this year to see any themes that were running through my recent projects. There
was a lot of work I have done on social interaction. I wanted my final piece to
include this on a larger scale.
What I might include within my project.
Mental health
Class in relation to colour
What I am going to look at for this project.
Mike Nelson – Matts Gallery
London Dungeon Mirror Maze
Labyrinths – by Borges
Creepy Pastors like Slender Man computer
games – things that are creepy and funny and try to scare you
Edgar Allen Poe
Steven King
Goosebumps books (choose your own
adventure books)
Scream (horror formula)
Kitsch, camp horror films, easy to see
how they are constructed
Sound – scary noises
Jeff the Killer – Go to sleep . . .
Objects spotlit
Patricia Highsmith
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